Monday, June 27, 2011

It Is Not A Small World

When I was a child, I loved the ride "It Is A Small World" ride. I never really understood why I held a deep passion for a bunch of little dolls that were doomed to sing an incestuous song over and over again in every language that God had created.  I remember riding in the large boat and feeling that everyone was basically the same. It didn't matter where you lived or if your rich or poor; everyone goes through something. You are never alone. That thought always brought me a feeling of peace and a feeling of safety. At that time, I felt the whole world was on the same boat.

As I grew older, the world grew into a dangerous and ugly place. I began to notice homeless people, drug use, alcoholism, poverty, and abuse of every kind. Still young and inspired to change the world, I journeyed into the world of journalism. Chicago was a great town to become a muckraker.  It has been known as a city of corruption, poverty, and for a young journalist; it could also be a city of opportunity. At that time, it had to be an opportunity that I had to pass up. Beginning journalists must begin as freelancers before they are hired to be full-time reporters. Though the thought of being a freelance writer was exciting, I needed a    guaranteed paycheck, insurance, and most importantly, I needed to move out of my parents house!

It seemed that the world was not small at all and not everyone was on the same "boat". Discouraged but still determined and ambitious, I got married and got MS. I didn't have anything else to do (that was a joke!).  At that point, I still felt good about life but my view on the world changed. No longer did I see a world of happy people singing the same mind-blowing song over and over again. The realization occurred to me that everyone in the world not only wears different clothes than those on my favorite boat ride, they also wear different faces! It was astounding the way people only thought of themselves as big trees in a forest. They could only see themselves and fought hard not to be chopped down. No one now cared about extenuating circumstances or how their actions affected others. Many did not have room for "Joy" in their lives. It seemed that my perfect "small world" was quickly becoming an evil and dark place.There were hardships every where. It was during that time, I encountered sinister managers, money hungry business owners,  back stabbing co-workers, and good friends who made themselves scarce to nonexistent. My "small world" was no longer sharing the same experiences and thoughts that I had. My "small world" was getting bigger  and unfamiliar as each year past.

At this age, I now see that it is not "a small world" but it is more of a epic novel. It seems that "It Is A Small World" has a whole new meaning and here it is...

During this past week on vacation, I may not have been too far off with the "small world" philosophy.  It is just backwards.  It can be "A Small World" if you just believe it. I reside in a small world. It now consists of a 1800 sq. foot home. Beyond these walls lies mountains, rivers, forests, and most importantly people who are facing all kinds of battles.  Now as I approach my middle age years and as I face a monster that shows no mercy or consistency or predictability, I feel my war is in a smaller world than I thought. I promise myself that the next time I face new weapons of destruction, I will remember that there are bigger and badder bombs out there.

What battle are you facing right now?  Are you living in a small world that keeps getting bigger?  How has your view of the world changed now that your older?  Let me know, please!!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Have You Ever Lit a Candle?

As a wife, mother, teacher, and a person with MS, I have been told that I am an inspiration. I really do not feel that way. I feel that I am someone that strives to succeed in any situation. I don't think any one else in the same situation would be any different. It is my belief that if you want something go after it and if you don't like something change it. As a 38 year old female, I am now facing several new issues. I recently broke my legs which helped kicked my MS symptoms into overdrive.  I have been told that I do not recognize my limits but in fact the reality is I want to stay independent.

I am now learning to deal with a world that is different to me. At times, I feel like an alien exploring a world that accepts me through eyes of pity. It has to be hard to understand. How can I look like the inhabitants of this world but act like a walking crisis. People of this world speak a language similar to mine but they really are just nodding their head in agreement. Their body language tells you that they don't really understand. You are a foreigner and no matter how hard the struggle, it is hard for people to understand. No one ever seems happy with their surroundings. It is a strange world and God has chosen me to live in it.

It can be discouraging to choose to struggle every day when safety and comfort live in a 10 by 12 room and on a queen size bed. I have been considered a unique person with an outgoing personality. Even before MS, God gave me a high drive to overcome the impossible. I just never knew that the impossible would include the most basic tasks. Despite how I feel on the inside, every day I see how I light up the world with the tiniest spark.

Did you ever notice that a small candle can light up an entire room?

Every single person in this world has a struggle. Mine just happens to be MS.  People that surround you daily either have a flame or a burnt out candle. When you encounter people are you showing a small flame or a burnt out candle? It doesn't matter if you ever light up the whole room with a glow.  Do you have a glow?

Light a small candle right now in a dark room. If the light reflects off a flat surface you will see a big light shining off the surface. The smallest glow creates the biggest light. I know that in my short 38 years, I have shined on mine people. More importantly, people have used their small candle to make me a bright flame. There have also been times that I was a burnt out candle that had a wick so small it seemed impossible to light. Do you know it has been people not technology, alcohol, or anything else that helped light my flame?
What lights your flame? A loved one? A pet? A friend?

Even though every day my flame may needs to be reignited, I know it will just take a little spark from someone. When was the last time you told the person they were your igniter? Who helps you be a brighter flame? Have you been there to help light some one's flame? Have you been there to light up some one's life that is not a loved one or partner? What was it like?

Remember the tiniest fire can start from the smallest spark. Be a light for some one's candle. It can help you feel good and as you know fire spreads rapidly.

Tell me your story. Let's share and be each others candle!

Here is just my neighbors, friends, family, and followers.  Where are you?

Sunday, June 12, 2011

What Color Glasses Do You Wear?

Are you a person who sees only the trees in the forest or do you see a forest and ignore the trees?

Please comment below your feelings.  This can help me better understand you.

What do you see below?

I relate this woman to my life. I think others can too even if they do not have MS. I do my best to appear as the young beautiful woman in the picture. Even on days that I feel like the old hag. It is my personal facade, my optical illusion. Don't look too close at me, you might not like what you see. 

What color glasses best suits you? Have you tried wearing different colored lenses? Do you look through glasses that only show one color? Do you only see bright colors or dark colors despite the images the world shows you? Or is the world unclear, fuzzy, and dark? What color do people see when they look at you through their glasses? Are you showing them only bright colors? Is that your "true color"?

Maybe you let people determine what color glasses you should wear. Having others determine your lenses may cause you to have a distorted view on life. Are there times in your life you choose to wear the same glasses as those around you? Why not? It avoids conflict! You are also avoiding failure. You are also denying yourself the opportunity to create your own glasses.

Do you notice that the lenses in your glasses are transitional? Are your glasses changing day by day or minute by minute?  

In traffic, you might see life in red. Other drivers might see the traffic in yellow.  They see it as a time to relax, enjoy the music, and time to breathe. This causes them to drive slowly making the lenses in your glasses a flaming red color. How frustrating! It is hard to understand how these drivers who see yellow what chaos the construction is causing!  After driving on I80 the other day, flaming red is the only color I saw. It is also the color I showed my kids.

It is the above situation that reminded me of this old cartoon. After getting to my destination, I felt like the cat did at the end of this cartoon. It doesn't matter about the challenge I had getting to my goal, it is about reaching the destination.

How do you handle people who insist that their color glasses are the right color? Do you keep trying to get those people to try on other glasses? Or do you avoid conflict with them and let them wear any glasses they want to?

It is important to try on several pairs of glasses before settling on a pair that works for you. By wearing a variety of colored glasses you will see a whole new world opening up before your eyes!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I am denial-now what? Things you can do instead of focusing on the negative!

  1. Eat Sweets
  2. Play Garden of Time
  3. Start a Journal at about dreams!
  4. Read a Book that makes you feel good!
  5. Start a Blog!
  6. Bake a cake
  7. Join chatrooms (see top of this blog for MS Chatrooms)
  8. Get a Wii and try Wii fit
  9. Organize a prized item
  10. Scrapbook
  11. Join OnLine Surveys (e-mail me for ideas of where to go at
  12. Get a Dog (Helper Dogs Can be Free at
  13. Get a Cat
  14. Find a Pen Pal
  15. Read
  16. Go to Church
  17. Join a church group
  18. Crochet ( I don't know how to do that)
  19. Needlepoint (Can't do that either)
  20. Find the Lyrics of your favorite songs and write what the lyrics remind you of (Come on name a Rod Stewart Song!).
  21. Call a long lost friend
  22. Call a long lost relative
  23. Do a family tree
  24. Listen to your favorite music
  25. Listen to a genre of music you don't like and journal]
  26. Read Proverbs in the Bible and journal what one means to you
  27. Change your sheets (always makes me feel good)
  28. Plan an event for yourself or for a group of people
  29. Go to a baseball game
  30. Go to a movie
  31. Make a skit
  32. Call a neighbor
  33. There is always laundry!
  34. God always makes dust!
  35. Go shopping!
  36. Go Shopping online
  37. Order chinease
  38. Order Pizza
  39. Buy Netflix
  40. Help a friend
  41. Find what you are passionate about and get involved with an organization that deals with your passion.
  42. Find pennies or coins of ever year a person has been alive. Glue them to a frame and give it to a favorite loved one for their birthday.
  43. Make a calendar.  It is free!
  44. Plan meals
  45. Do Soduko
  46. Do Word Searh
  47. Do Mad Libs Funny for adults too!  It is free!  Try it!
  48. Get books on CD
  49. Go to the library
  50. Find a diet and see how long you can stick to it. Do hours count?
  51. Get friends together and go window shopping
  52. Get friends together and do a garage sale
  53. Do a mosiac
  54. Do a class at the Park District or YMCA
  55. Do cooking classes
  56. Invite someone over to make a meal
  57. Volunteer somewhere you can-even if this means stuffing envelopes
  58.  Do a paint by number
  59. Make a family tree out of pictures
  60. Write a children's book
  61. Play cards
  62. Drink water (yeah right!)
  63. Have a group at your home about something you would like to get done. Crochet group,book group, bible study
  64. Volunteer to help a teacher
  65. Take a bath with candles
  66. Tell someone about an event in your life
  67. Clean underneath your bed (I am going to make it to 100!)
  68. Watch a marathon of your favorite show-see Netflix!
  69. SMILE
  70. Laugh at nothing and watch people stare
  71. Buy pillows
  72. Get a haircut
  73. Eat Ice Cream
  74. Eat steak
  75. Smell someone's feet
  76. Crank call your neighbor
  77. Make spaghetti sauce
  78. Buy a plant
  79. Have a baby powder fight
  80. Make a pizza
  81. Smell a flower
  82. Try to walk around the block (wear shoes!)
  83. Make Smoothies
  84. Make Tacos
  85. Find missing socks
  86. Put names on socks
  87. Smell new crayons
  88. Hug a stranger and see what happens
  89. Watch the weather channel
  90. Buy a new outfit
  91. Investigate a place that you always wanted to go and get pictures
  92. Make curtains and hang them
  93. Make scrambled eggs
  94. Plant a tree
  95. Take Vitamins
  96. Paint your nails
  97. Look through old photos
  98. Go to a spa
  99. Walk on the beach
  100. Make a list!

Monday, June 6, 2011

You can't handle the truth!

Hopefully, Jack Nicholsen is ringing in your ears. We all have something to hide. We hide certain facts and realities to save drama, hurt feelings, to deny reality, and to avoid conflict. Come on, you know it is true!  How many times has a friend asked you if they looked fat? Come on-they looked fat!  Admit it! Ok, I admit it -I looked fat but God help you if you say I did! Or maybe someone has asked you if you could see their gray or age lines. Don't go there! Those are trick questions, right?

What are you lying to yourself right now about? Are you avoiding guilty puddles? The strongest denial is self denial. We have all suffered from it. Our love doesn't feel the same about us anymore but your denial says your relationship is perfect. In fact, he bought you roses last week. Patrick Dempsy is a wife beater compared to your love, right? Self denial has the ability to become a mirage. You can feel, taste, see, and hear it. Self denial it is the worst chronic condition.

Self denial was my best friend for over ten years. It got closer to me at times than my husband. It lied to me and comforted me and helped lies pour out of my mouth.  It was strong and filled my ego. It was always by my side.  At most times, it help dry my many guilty puddles and saved me from destructive behaviors. I think it was my self denial that saved me from echoing Nicholas Cage's behavior in "Leaving Las Vegas".  

Have you ever been in denial about anything? Are you always truthful? Has being truthful always been easy? It is also interesting to know, who's truth is it? Truth in your eyes or truth from other people?
How do you know the truth is valid and can be proven?

Well, my denial is short. I avoided the truth because I could not handle it. I still can't and neither can other people in my life. I think my reaction to my issue is not unusual. I don't think anyone else would of faced it either. How have you reacted when you heard troubling news? How do you deal with hard truths? Please share your story as a comment below.

 I denied what was happening me like an alcoholic denies drinking daily or a drug user only does drugs on the weekends. I, too, did not want to face facts. I have MS. I had MS. I will always have MS. No, I don't have IBS like the doctors told me. I had MS. No, I wasn't born with short ureters and no, I did not need surgery. I had MS.  I was not tired because I was lazy. I had MS. Denial looked so good like a cold Pepsi after pulling weeds on a hot day. Denial had the angels singing behind it and promised success, love, and constant acceptance. Denial made me feel safe. Denial made everyone else in my life feel better about me. Denial kept worry away and gave me happiness. Denial gave me control.

Is there something in your life that is left best as a secret or is there a fact that can stay hidden in order to protect others? Don't you wish that certain truth came with warning labels?

 Warning! The information you are about to hear may or may not be true. It all depends on what you about to believe. It is considered hurtful and it is not recommended that you share it with others (or at home). Those with medical conditions and those that are too young to hear certain facts should leave the room. Enjoy the discussion and you may not want to live with the truth at home. The following information should stay in denial.

What information would go great with this warning?

So there are people who can not handle the truth. I could not handle the reality of a chronic condition and the world doesn't know how to handle me either. So what is the best approach?  How is it best to handle someone who deals with physical issues daily? Do loved ones really need to know how bad it is?  How can people understand that things can change like by the hour? How do you let people know that you are learning how to deal with new challenges and so should they?

So I fell this weekend. I was walking in 100 degree temperature and trying to make it appear that I had a normal nervous system and I was a normal baseball mom. Denial! So I feel face first, no bend in the knees or anything and lo and behold knocked the wind out of myself.  People in the outside world, do not know about MS. Strangers wanted to call an ambulance, give me water, and most of all panic. I just wanted to crawl into a hole.

Family want the best for me and find it hard to hear the debilitating symptoms. I have trouble telling them because really, what can they do? Besides, denial is on my side and it is not that bad right? My son that to me this weekend too. I thought I was losing the ability to write and the ugly truth behind my denial was peeking its head out and I began to cry in front of my kids. Later, I found a note from my son saying "it could be worse!" I can't handle the truth but at times, I feel it is the worst compared to when I was in control or when I was in denial.

What are you in denial about? Is it doing you good? It helped me get a great career, have two terrific kids, and start a graduate degree. Denial isn't all bad I guess. I at times, can't handle the truth, don't want to tell the truth, or live in the truth. Can you relate? Please comment.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Help! The Kids are Almost Out!

Another school year is over. Next year Middle School and a challenging academic year for the boy!

Do you have kids? If not, will the summer season still pose a challenge? Scheduling usually possesses a problem. You want to get it all in usually eight short weeks. Oh, and don't forget the promise to yourself to relax and enjoy life. How will you find time for that?

Even if you don't have a chronic illness, summer can be a chaotic time of year. It might be hard to be at work when you feel you really should be doing something more exciting and for some more rewarding. Maybe money will be a problem. There is a chance many of you might not be able to enjoy the season because you just can't afford take time off work or you have suffered a job loss. Well, speaking from experience, you can't afford not to enjoy the upcoming season.

I remember working at the office and staring at the sky wondering what was I doing? Was making money for other people more important than enjoying the time I had left on earth? I mean I only have 40 years left! I happen to know that to be true! It didn't seem right to be indoors and not enjoy the opportunities that lay beyond closed doors.

My mind's eye is fading into a memory ten short years ago when I was working for a newspaper distribution company. Silly me agreed to work on the 4th of July. I remember the magical lights that lit up the dark sky. The sounds of people's laughter echoes through the windows. Car horns cheered on the sonic booms that shook the walls and frightened my coworkers. I recall the frustration and disgust as I thought, "really, instead of being out there enjoying the atomic sky, people are calling this newspaper company to complain?". What was worse was that I sat behind my glass cubicle taking their call and listening to their arrogant and condescending voice. Was a newspaper that important? It was that night that I realized that the world has too many lonely and small-minded people. After working for this company, I know now that spoiled children only grow up to be spoiled adults. There had to be a better way to live and there was. I was called to be a teacher and today I heard another calling, I felt the urge to help a friend.

It really is no big deal but a friend was feeling ill today. Her eyes were swollen due to allergies and her sinuses were plugged. She looked tired and she really belonged at home but this woman is a fighter. Her endurance should be bottled and sold! She would be rich!  I could tell she just felt miserable. Despite her agony, she continued to fulfill her duty as a team mom. I felt the call to help her and she didn't even ask! She showed me endurance and I guess she helped me accomplish my goal today. Don't remember my goal?  See the first blog. The team mom is aware of my RRMS but accepted my help and gave me a simple job to do. While I felt the task was no big deal she was eternally grateful. I finally got to understand the other side of things. Now I understand how others feel when they help me. As soon as they help me I always seem to have guilty puddles lying around. Life is better because of their help but there is always guilt that is left behind (see guilty puddles). Tonight I learned what it means to help someone and it is "no big deal".

Have you ever felt called to do something? It may have not been magical but you probably left feeling better about yourself than you did before you felt that special call. I enjoyed every year that I taught and I was always given the opportunity to teach something different every year. Despite the MS, I still continue to tutor and instead of a paycheck, I have been paid in spaghetti sauce, crab dinners, and items from Sam's.

I think we are all called to do something in life.  I guess the lesson from tutoring and volunteering is that you don't need to be paid in order to feel rewarded. I would be interested to hear what callings people have done in their lives. I once heard on the news of a man who has worked a job in all 50 states and wrote a book on his experiences.
Again, the school year is over and I am being called to be the best at home mom I can be. There will be long days filled with swimming ear, complaining children, sand in bathing suit bottoms, stiff legs, sunburn, begging, fighting, cuddling, time together, star filled skies, crickets chirping, birds singing, looking for gold under a rainbow, embracing God's beauty, and life long memories made. I am going to enjoy every minute of it. Won't you join me?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

You should be able to post now!

I had to change the settings-please comment!

Acceptance-There Is No Joy In It! What have you accepted lately?

One person once asked me, "what does acceptance mean to you?". What does it mean? When it came to MS- acceptance mean't giving up on my life as I knew it. Eventually I had to ask myself does the definition change based on the circumstance?  Meaning if I rest today and run around tommorrow have I accepted that MS has taken over my life?Acceptance never was a negative. I had no problem accepting graduating from High School or College. I loved accepting God into my life. One of the best days of my life was accepting a man to be my husband. I never knew that acceptance also dealt with job loss, death, or disease. How has acceptance been a role in your life? Has it always been positive?

According to Encarta the World Dictionary, some of the definitions of acceptance is defined as:

  • act of willingly taking gift: the willing receipt of a gift or payment
  • willingness to believe: willingness to believe that something is true
  • coming to terms with something: the realization of a fact or truth and the process of coming to terms with it
  • toleration: the toleration of something without protest

This blog entry is going to examine these definitions and I am asking for comments regarding your interpretation of the word "acceptance". What is your acceptance story? How has acceptance been a challenge in your life?

The first definition could easily relate to my goal to feeling inspired daily. The last three years has given me the opportunity to investigate myself and my life. Had I not been diagnosed with this autoimmune disease, I might have always classified myself as a teacher, mom, or wife. Now I classify myself as just Joy.  How do you identify yourelf? Do you feel you are nothing without your job, spouse, or hobby? Please let me know.

The second definition states that acceptance is "the willingness to believe". This has baffled me since I started the journey with MS. If I am not willing to belive the MS exists does this mean, it is not true? I fell on this thought pattern for years. It helped me with denial. I felt that if I did not believe MS. MS would never be a reality. Unfortunately, MS is an unseen monster has a weapon that causes it to disappear at any time. It gives the false reality that it really does not exist. This uunique weapon allowed me to believe for many years that MS was unreal. The things that happen to me were a fluke. MS also has the power to reappear at any time and lately, the monster reappears every day. Today I am left with no choice but to believe. On the other hand, I also believe in God, growth, and doing my best. This belief pattern has also been a good tool against the invisible monster but it has not defeated it.

The third definition notes "coming to terms with something". I believe this is the part of acceptance that I am in. I am coming to terms with limited walking and severe fatigue. I am coming to terms that I can't be super mom like other at home mothers. I am also coming to terms with the fact that I will never work again. This disease is a dictator without logic. It comes and goes as it pleases It does not believe in democracy and you can not reason with it. There are no vacations.  It can very frusturating.

The final selected definition in this blog discusses "toleration". This is part of the acceptance definition that I refuse to recognize. I am not being inspirational here but realistic. I feel toleration is giving in. I do not accept that people have to act different around me. I do not accept that part of me is gone. I do not accept that my thoughts and feelings are only because of the disease. My thoughts and feelings are because of meand have nothing to do with my nervous system. They are mine and they are real.

Listen, acceptance is mandatory in any throws in life such as: death of a family member, loss of a job, losing a love or a friend, or dealing with a diagnosis of any sort.

What have you accepted lately? Please write me a line.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Guilty Puddles

It was a beautiful day this Memorial Day. It reminds me a lot of life. After all the rain and dark skies, there is sun. It is very similar to life. There can be a lot of darkness around you and at times you think what you know as your life is over but then something changes. Hard rain leaves puddles even in the bright sun.

When have you had something positive happen in your life but then something negative happens?  Or depite the good situation in your life you still have remanants of a hardship?

The same is essentially true in my life as well. I couldn't wait for warmth, sun, and most of all family time. Rod Stewart says it best "It Seems Like A Long Time..."and if you currently live in the Midwest, it has been nasty weather for several months. It has been a long time since people in the Midwest could enjoy the outdoors. Nasty weather can cause Seasonal Affective Disorder . I have met several people who seem very depressed when the sun is not shining. Many look to new and different things to lift the misery but something always remains to remind them of harsdship. Confused?

Let me explain. I know that for a few weeks now I had more stamina. On Memorial Day in Chicago, it was hot. It was a high of 94 degrees.  If any other MS'ers are out there tell me your story about heat! I was so happy seeing the sun, the green grass, budding flowers, and the neighbors outside. Needless to say, there was some excitement in my heart. As I did the dishes, I looked outside the window and saw my husband and kids doing yard work. They looked hot, tired, and thirsty. I smiled and went to the refrigerator and got juice out. My feet seemed hesitant but I didn't care. Floods of memories of playing outside with cousins and being care free overwhelmed me. I also remembered the hard yard work I did with my father on sunny days. I knew my kids were making those exact memories on this lovely day. I smiled again and I felt motivated to bring the juice outside to my family. I was going to have a great fun filled day! I was more excited than I had been in months.  I saw the sun without any puddles.

As I opened the back door, a wave of hot air struck me and I instantly got weak. That is when my guilt set in. Here were the members of my family, sweating and working hard in the heat, and there were no expectations for me. My help was not a neccesity but the burden of being a good mother and wife plagued my mind. The porch furniture needed to be cleaned pool toys needed to be put out and the family needed help cleaning up general winter mess.

Still determined to serve my thirsty family, I clung on to the juice and glasses for life and began my trek to the porch ledge. With a weak voice,  I called my family over to enjoy the sweet nectar I had to offer.  They came over full of sweat and one child was not happy doing the task and I knew I could not help. My husband then suggested that I go inside to the clean house and sit in the air conditioning. I could barely walk and lifting anything. I basically crawled into  the house and sat at the window and stared at my family hard at work. Besides giving juice (that my husband made) and glasses to my family, how did I help? I felt uselss and like a leech.

As the day continued, I watched from inside the house as my husband continued to mow the lawn, set up the pool, and try to fix the other lawn mower still in the garage. Inside, I looked at loads of laundry that needed to be done and new dirty dishes in the sink. I then saw my butt on the couch. Again, I ask you how was I helping? Guilt overwhelmed me. I found puddles in my sun.

Then I saw my kids playing outside without me. I really wanted to join them. So instead of the memories I thought they were creating my mind quickly raced and showed me my kids as adults. They were explaining to their kids that their mom never played with them because she was always "sick and weak". I also imagined them telling their children that they work harder than other kids because their mom was always tired and could not walk.  Guilt poured in on me and formed puddles around me and I felt alone and drowning in guilt.

But living in self pity is something that I refuse to live in. I gathered all my strength and went grocery shopping for the family. Though it was hard, the guilt puddles began to dry up. After letting my family unload the groceries, I sat in the garage and tried to strike up a conversation with my husband who was still diligently fixing a broken lawn mower. I was feeling better and my personal sun was starting to come out. I brought a chair in the yard and played "sitting catch" with my son. I realized that though I can't help out as I like, I can still be me.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Rainy day and it is not even Monday!

How about some things to smile about? Here are some corny ideas to help you feel better.

(PS I met the goal today by seeing God in my children and my friend's eyes)

Thanks for reading and feel free to comment.

Does the world stink? Spray some air freshner or sniff a fabric sheet.

(I heard this one) What is the best way to catch a fish? Have a friend throw it at you!

Life giving you lemons? No problem give yourself a lime.

Smile at a stranger when you are angry-guarenteed-you will laugh!

Feel depressed? How do you want to feel tommorrow? Only you have control over your emotions!

Have a great weekend!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Greatest Accomplishment Starts With One Step

How did I meet my goal today, my friends? How did I make an impact?

Well today's accomplishment was given to a little "lady" and my son.  This little canine came to my house with a smile and filled the house up with excitement and passion but most of all motivation. Lady, a King Charles Cavalier (looks kind of like a Cocker Spaniel) visited me today. We played, cuddled, but most importantly walked around the block.

We made it to the end of the street before I sent my son home for the monsterous walker. I was so angry with myself that I needed a piece of metal to help me do something so basic as walking around the block. Will this be the norm? 

I then made it another length of the block with the dreaded metal legs before I tired out. I looked down and saw the puddles ahead of me. "No problem, but it is going to get tricky" I thought. As I wiggled my toes I felt the confines of a light cotton on my feet. I realized that though wearing only socks might give me confidence to walk freely, it is not the best for walking in puddles. My feet began to drag and my toes were getting the brunt of it. My toe nails scaped the uneven pavement and my feet began to beg me for mercy. What was I doing? The once comfortable cotton that held my feet were now resmebling shredded cheese. I should of worn shoes but I also was wanting to walk better. What would you choose?  It was then I started to notice my walking. My feet were not raising over an inch or two and my knees were refusing to bend. My toes were taking on a rose color and I was beginning to think that I had made a major mistake. 

Despite scrapping my toes on the sidewalk, my legs began to feel heavy. I had gone for a simple walk and now my body began to feel as if it had dove into quicksand. Each step became more difficult than the last. Tears began to surface under my eyes and felt as if I was on the brim of defeat. What had I done? I was crazy for even attempting to make it around the block. I was mad at myself for even trying to do something that was destined to fail. Why did I even try? Don't I have enough hurt feelings every day? Was I now turning to masocism? It was too late to turn back and it was too hard to move forward. I wanted to dwell in this moment forever and basically feel sorry for myself. After all, I deserve it, right?

But how was I accomplishing my daily goal?

Today ladies and gentlemen, I found my inspiration in a little dog and an eight year old boy. Once I realized that the rest of the hike was going to be a struggle, I looked ahead and saw the people who took this tremendous journey with me. Maybe not a journey for them but a tremendous feat for me. Up ahead I saw my son, Lady (the dog), and my two neighbors. They were enjoying their walk and smiling back at me. They had not seen or felt the struggle that I faced. The strife then seem to disappear and I moved forward but much more slowly than I would have liked. I learned that though to me the world felt like thick cement, to them, their world was free flowing and they take the waves as they come.  Their world if full of JOY 

Friday, May 27, 2011

Sara's point of view

hi this is Sara. (this blogger's daughter) I want to give my point of view of MS.
(this is me)
I think that even if you have MS you can still do stuff. Like go to the carnival or go to the zoo. But you just have to do some of those things differently. And going in a wheelchair is fine, using a cane is fine, using crutches is fine. So what if people think thats weird. I sure don't. And if they do they're the rudest people i've ever seen. and i've seen some of those people. they make a mean face  or whisper to the people that are next to them. i just pretend they're not there and walk away.

I am doing something!

I have now been home dealing with my MS life change for three years. During that time, I thought that I would fulfill my time by helping others by tutoring. When that started to drizzle out I thought I would help out at the church as much as possible. Then I broke my leg and I was home bound. The MS was put on the back burner and the leg became the forefront of my life. I started journaling but like many things in my life that too went to the way side. I felt a bit guilty that journaling went bust until I realized it didn't do me any good if I wrote and nobody read it. So now, I am blogging. But before you dismiss this as another day to day blog that does nothing but go on and on about oneself; understand this blog has a goal. It has a goal for you and for me.


Now this positive outcome may not always affect the public, friends, or family. As a MS person, you may have positive outcomes just for yourself. I have noticed that there are dozens of books out there that talk about how the chronically ill inspire others. Though this is important, I feel that it is just as important to inspire yourself. Inspiration does not have to be positive. As I vow to do my best to blog daily, whoever read this blog must be realistic and understand that inspiration can be derived by pain.

It sounds confusing that inspiration can be derived by pain, so let me give an example. People with MS suffer from fatigue. For this reason, there are days during the week that the biggest accomplishment I have is finding the lost remote. On those days, I feel best thing I can do to inspire is to be strong enough to be there for my family.

I was watching a MTV episode of  "True Life" and it was about people with Terrets. One person on that show said "God may have dealt me these cards, but it is up to me on how I play them".  This is so true. Even though my symptoms are becoming more bothersome and noticiable, I refuse to go to my death bed saying, "Well, I have seen every episode of Intervention". MS may have taken my career, dignity, and several physical attributes but it has not taken away my desire to grow and succeed.

Hey, MS- These are my life cards and I have a full house (kids, husband, friends, family) and my hand is not going to lose! I would like to bet, please!