Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I am denial-now what? Things you can do instead of focusing on the negative!

  1. Eat Sweets
  2. Play Garden of Time
  3. Start a Journal at about dreams!
  4. Read a Book that makes you feel good!
  5. Start a Blog!
  6. Bake a cake
  7. Join chatrooms (see top of this blog for MS Chatrooms)
  8. Get a Wii and try Wii fit
  9. Organize a prized item
  10. Scrapbook
  11. Join OnLine Surveys (e-mail me for ideas of where to go at
  12. Get a Dog (Helper Dogs Can be Free at
  13. Get a Cat
  14. Find a Pen Pal
  15. Read
  16. Go to Church
  17. Join a church group
  18. Crochet ( I don't know how to do that)
  19. Needlepoint (Can't do that either)
  20. Find the Lyrics of your favorite songs and write what the lyrics remind you of (Come on name a Rod Stewart Song!).
  21. Call a long lost friend
  22. Call a long lost relative
  23. Do a family tree
  24. Listen to your favorite music
  25. Listen to a genre of music you don't like and journal]
  26. Read Proverbs in the Bible and journal what one means to you
  27. Change your sheets (always makes me feel good)
  28. Plan an event for yourself or for a group of people
  29. Go to a baseball game
  30. Go to a movie
  31. Make a skit
  32. Call a neighbor
  33. There is always laundry!
  34. God always makes dust!
  35. Go shopping!
  36. Go Shopping online
  37. Order chinease
  38. Order Pizza
  39. Buy Netflix
  40. Help a friend
  41. Find what you are passionate about and get involved with an organization that deals with your passion.
  42. Find pennies or coins of ever year a person has been alive. Glue them to a frame and give it to a favorite loved one for their birthday.
  43. Make a calendar.  It is free!
  44. Plan meals
  45. Do Soduko
  46. Do Word Searh
  47. Do Mad Libs Funny for adults too!  It is free!  Try it!
  48. Get books on CD
  49. Go to the library
  50. Find a diet and see how long you can stick to it. Do hours count?
  51. Get friends together and go window shopping
  52. Get friends together and do a garage sale
  53. Do a mosiac
  54. Do a class at the Park District or YMCA
  55. Do cooking classes
  56. Invite someone over to make a meal
  57. Volunteer somewhere you can-even if this means stuffing envelopes
  58.  Do a paint by number
  59. Make a family tree out of pictures
  60. Write a children's book
  61. Play cards
  62. Drink water (yeah right!)
  63. Have a group at your home about something you would like to get done. Crochet group,book group, bible study
  64. Volunteer to help a teacher
  65. Take a bath with candles
  66. Tell someone about an event in your life
  67. Clean underneath your bed (I am going to make it to 100!)
  68. Watch a marathon of your favorite show-see Netflix!
  69. SMILE
  70. Laugh at nothing and watch people stare
  71. Buy pillows
  72. Get a haircut
  73. Eat Ice Cream
  74. Eat steak
  75. Smell someone's feet
  76. Crank call your neighbor
  77. Make spaghetti sauce
  78. Buy a plant
  79. Have a baby powder fight
  80. Make a pizza
  81. Smell a flower
  82. Try to walk around the block (wear shoes!)
  83. Make Smoothies
  84. Make Tacos
  85. Find missing socks
  86. Put names on socks
  87. Smell new crayons
  88. Hug a stranger and see what happens
  89. Watch the weather channel
  90. Buy a new outfit
  91. Investigate a place that you always wanted to go and get pictures
  92. Make curtains and hang them
  93. Make scrambled eggs
  94. Plant a tree
  95. Take Vitamins
  96. Paint your nails
  97. Look through old photos
  98. Go to a spa
  99. Walk on the beach
  100. Make a list!

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